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How to Fix Bitdefender On-access Scanning Issue?

Bitdefender antivirus on-access scanning is the issue when the real-time protection is disabled on your computer. When this function is disabled you PC at risk and Bitdefender cannot scan any kind of new threat that can outbreak anytime into your system.

You need to fix this issue and enjoy a real-time protection and keep your computer safe. To fix the Bitdefender on-access scanning problem on your computer you can find here the right steps discussed with few tips and suggestive measures to avoid such issues in near future.

First Method

To fix this issue, first of all open Bitdefender on your computer and click on “Fix” option that will enable the real-time protection on your computer. You can also manually check the status of real-time scanning activated or not activated on your computer. If real-time protection not starts on your computer get Bitdefender tech support number for checking the issues personally.

Second Method

If despite clicking on “Fix” button the problem is not solved automatically then you have to check your PC if there is any other internet security software. If you have any other similar software installed please remove that immediately. Installing more than two different brands internet security software on the same computer creates conflict issues. If you need help to install or reinstall any other antivirus software on your PC you can call Bitdefender technical support.

Third Method

Once you have uninstalled or removed other security software from your computer you have to repair the Bitdefender antivirus program installed in your computer. To repair the Bitdefender internet security on your computer follow the right steps to avoid any other problem.

To repair the Bitdefender go to control panel where you will get two options first to repair and second remove that will allow uninstalling the setup. Here you need to click on repair option and once done you have to restart the computer and enjoy safe computing.


While enabling on-access scanning on your system if you face any technical problem or need help to repair the Bitdefender antivirus you can call 1-844-313-8282 at Bitdefender support phone number for online help to solve such issues remotely with complete safety and precautions.

Read this Blog: Fix Bitdefender Scanning Issue